Saturday, June 03, 2006

Living your dreams

Sometimes life brings you to a point and you wonder if you ever wanted to reach here. You think about it and say, yes, this is where I wanted to reach when I started. But that start point was more than a decade back. Life brought you different experiences, when you sailed through them you enjoyed some, cribbed about some and hated some, but, you believed you will reach where you wanted to reach. You do not realize that, during this time, your current realities become so much a part of you that you are no longer what you were ten years back. Somebody told me once that you should learn to live for the moment and now I understand what that means. Passion is not about one dream you have seen all your life but passionately living your dream through each moment of your current reality.

1 comment:

amna said...

very nice n very true :)